CBD Supports Second Sight

The man in this picture is Dr.Shiva Sahoo, an eye surgeon living in the state of Odisha in India.
The woman is ophthalmologist Dr.Lucy Mathen from the London-based charity Second Sight.
The boys are 9year-old Subala Suna and 12year-old Ranjit Bariha. Both were blind and had their sight restored by cataract surgery.
Back in the year 2009 Lucy met Dr.Shiva and discovered that:
He had single-handedly cured 6,000 blind people in the past year
He had offered all the surgery free of charge
He took no salary and slept on the floor of his office
He routinely worked from 4.30am till midnight
Because the states of Odisha and Bihar in India are the worst places on the planet for the unnecessary and reversible blindness caused by cataract. And he can restore sight in just three minutes.
Lucy seeks out doctors like Dr.Shiva. And Second Sight’s own experienced volunteer eye surgeons work alongside many teams like Dr.Shiva’s and cure the blind themselves. All donated money is spent on eradicating blindness. The Second Sight office is a corner of Lucy’s bedroom.
Give CHF30 and you WILL cure a blind person. The money pays for outreach workers to visit even the most remote areas, to accompany the blind to hospital by bus, train, boat or bullock-cart, for all surgery and post-operative treatment, and for food during the overnight hospital stay.
This appeal should have taken you about 3 minutes to read (the time it takes Dr.Shiva to do a cataract operation).